Problems with Packaging the Game

This week, we had run into an issue in which we could not successfully package the game for submission without running into an error that stated that a specific file wasn't actually the size it was supposed to be. This, of course, means that we could not turn in the game for the assignment nor successfully distribute the game to users.

We are still not aware of the root cause of the issue, but we believe that it was due to our incorrect usage of Perforce. None of the team members, including myself, had ever used the Perforce application, and we were consistently having issues with it for the first few days of production. I discovered that, although all of the files opened and edited directly through the Unreal Engine editor were automatically checked out of the depot for us, all other files (.h, .cpp, .cs) had to be checked out manually through the P4V application. The issue with building and packaging the game went away after we all successfully implemented the proper usage of Perforce, allowing us to submit the assignment and therefore distribute the game to users.

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