Debug logs on screen

Author: Alex Falcon
Date: 2024/06/15

For this week, my biggest task was creating a function to display debug log messages both on the screen in gameplay and in the console in the editor. At first, I was attempting to use a built-in feature in Unreal Engine that is supposed to allow you to redirect/pipe the log messages so that the user can access the data to use it for functions without having to change the current code to use a different logging function, but, after trying and failing to get it working for about 6 hours straight, I scrapped all of my changes and started over with a simpler prospect. I ended up just creating a function in the same file that handled the previous debug log function that calls UE_LOG and another built-in function that displays logs to the screen. I then went through a lot of the code to manually replace the UE_LOG calls with the new function.

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